#youthBOSS Ambassador| Robert Loftman

#youthBOSS Ambassador

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Sir. Robert Loftman, Your Guide Through Unemployment’s #youthBOSS Ambassador is a true embodiment of the rich rewards of success after having directed numerous years towards backbreaking work and the strategic manipulation of innate talents. He has defied all societal spawned odds in pursuit of a dream to create a world where others, especially youths, could thrive and realize their true potentials.

Standing firmly behind his noble and admirable belief that, “education can liberate anyone and eliminate a stagnant mentality” he aptly secured an undergraduate degree in Education coupled with a minor in Guidance and Counseling. Thereby allowing himself access to the superb opportunity of enhancing the academic and emotional growth of students in Jamaica, Venezuela, Panama, and China for over a decade. In addition, he is a published author who derives his inspiration from his vast travels and salient lessons learned as an ‘international’ educator and mentor.

In his attempts at carving ‘giant- like’ footsteps for youngsters to follow, he decided upon exploring his entrepreneurial abilities that led to the creation of Lofty Production Services in 2018. This notable venture, which prides itself on extending high-quality customer service, engages in the specialized production of banners, posters, business cards, flyers, and sale of affordable office/ school supplies. Furthermore, Lofty Production Services is the premier internet hub for students and educators undertaking varied academic researches and projects.

Robert has successfully redefined and given added credence to the importance of entrepreneurship, through his shaping of Lofty Production Services as not only a basic commercial entity but also a towering agent of sustained community and youth development.