Ms. Kia Johnson- Entrepreneur Spotlight Program

Entrepreneur Spotlight Program- Your Guide Through Unemployment

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Business: UniqlyTru Public Relations

Advice to budding Entrepreneurs: “Make sure its something you really would like to do because owning a business has its challenges”

UniqlyTru Public Relations is widely credited within the entertainment world for its timeless work in promoting the interest of its clientele and strategically enhancing their stated brands. Since its timely inception in 2018, it has unequivocally sought to provide a “fresh face” to PR under the seasoned leadership of Ms. Kia Johnson. Ms. Johnson has, over the years, mastered the art of shaping and managing public perceptions and harnessing genuine connections, and has successfully funneled said in her burgeoning enterprise.

UniqlyTru PR standing true to its vision of “enhancing visibility” is looking to secure its place among the ‘one-percenters’ in its field in the fastly approaching future.