INTERNING your way to a job

Interning your way to a Job

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2 minutes read!

After having spent years studying (cramming) and sacrificing for a degree, while racking up thousands of dollars in student loan debts no one finds it thrilling to work for ‘free’ or for a small stipend. We all want to walk into our dream jobs and gain access to a fabulous lifestyle. However, given the state of our declining economy and the growing unavailability of jobs for graduates; internships are fast becoming a normative ‘rite of passage’ after graduation.

While internships may not be a favorable path for many, oftentimes it can produce awesome benefits, namely;

1. Meeting and building relationships with individuals working within your chosen field– This may afford you the privilege of acquiring knowledge about the ‘tricks of your trade’ and accessing invaluable advice on how to appropriately showcase your talents and abilities that are needed to ‘wow’ recruiters within said field.

2. It will seek to give you the opportunity to attain great experience within the ‘world of work’– This will certainly go a far way in enriching your professional development and interpersonal skills. Additionally, your resume stands to gain a lot of ‘body’ and ‘substance’ from said experience.

3. It will offer you a chance to impress your superiors while putting your skills and knowledge on display– One of the greatest challenges for jobseekers is ‘making a lasting impression’ on a potential employer while being stuck in a tight race for one position. Internships seek to set you apart from the crowd and give you a chance to show a potential employer how great of an asset you stand to be, effectively putting you on his/ her radar when a position becomes available.

4. Provide you with a viable source for recommendations and references for future jobs and academic applications – Oftentimes we struggle to find a suitable individual to supply a good recommendation to assist us in nabbing a job, however, the relationships formed and great impressions made while pursuing an internship can make your search significantly easier.

Never doubt the amazing possibilities that can be borne from giving oneself the opportunity to shine and amaze without profit……..for a few months (of course!).

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5 years ago

This advise is definitely fitting for recent graduates be it from high school, college, or grad school. A tree grows from a seed, so we too should be humbled to start from the bottom in order to get to the top.

It would probably be nice to add a few links with sites that people seeking internships could visit, so that they can apply for listed positions.

Also another suggestion is that you could add an article with a few tips for creating cover letters and resumes.

Love your writing, they are truly inspirational.


[…] for a duration of, at least, three (3) months from which he or she has gained valuable work Additionally, one will also need to prove to said Hiring Manager that he or she is in […]

5 years ago

Love it

4 years ago

Great article. Feeling inspired