$0-Down Business Ideas

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2 minutes read!

Have you ever wondered what separates a Mark Zuckerberg or a Kim Kardashian from the rest of us? What insights and ‘smarts’ do they have that we don’t? The answer is simple, they had an ingenious idea (…..in Kim’s case, a video) and defied the odds to make their dreams a reality. You too can transform an idea into a revolutionary product or service that seeks to solve existing problems faced by others and, inspire and empower generations to come. Here are a few such business ideas that will cost little or no capital to develop into rewarding and fulfilling ventures;

  1. Capitalize on Hidden Talents

So you have a talent or two that no one knows about? You are good at writing, graphic designing, playing a musical instrument, counseling others, videography, and or singing. Why not start a business around one of your talents? You are already great at it, you now just need to monetize your innate ability. For example, say you are great at taking photos and already have a camera in hand, you can lend this skill at weddings, parties, corporate or family events, at a cost……of course! In most cases with the splendid reviews from your first few clients, your business idea will soar to new heights within months.

  • Making your degree work for you

If after years of embarking upon a degree you find yourself unemployed or employed within an unfulfilling job, you are well within your right to milk said degree for all that it’s worth. For example, you have an Accounting degree or you’re good with numbers, why not start an online freelance accounting or tax consulting business.

You are able to generate a plethora of ‘likes’ and approving emoji from your posts or tweets. Additionally, you tend to attract a large following because of your insightfulness and candor. You could utilize that brilliance to launch a business centered on social media management or marketing. The possibilities are endless in this age of #hashtags and memes.

  • Try your hand at being an internet sensation

Often times we doubt our ability to stand out from the crowd and shine our lights on the world stage. However, if you are gifted with the ability to craft beautiful and intriguing articles, poems on interesting subject matters, such as fashion, travel, food, sports, and various DIY hacks, starting a blog or vlog may give your life the extra sheen that it needs. As your blog/ vlog grows in popularity so will your opportunity to gain handsomely through affiliate marketing or via the sale of goods and services.

  • Start an E-commerce Business

Do you find that your closet is overflowing with seldom worn clothes and shoes? Are you good at painting, making cute artifacts or designing innovative items? Starting an online store where you can market and sell goods and services to persons who are hungry for fresh and creative retailers may offer you the break that you need.

[Featured image courtesy of www.flickr.com]