When your second job sucks as much as your first

When your second job sucks as much as the first

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You successfully severed all ties with a suffocating joyless wringer of a job and you’re well into the first month of your option #2 job when you realize that you had, in a very literal sense, ‘jumped from a fryin’ pot into a scorching fire’. You then begin to question whether or not it was sensible hopping from your old job and loudly curse the Gods for your bone-headed decision. Should you crawl back with your tail between your legs and beg for that old job that now seems ‘bearable after all’ or should you hop on to the next train and find option #3 job?

While you weigh the pros and cons of both decisions it is incumbent that you realize that you’re the only constant element within your first and second jobs, and eventually any future jobs. With that said, your occupancy within any job will either break or build you depending on your attitude and outlook. As Maya Angelo once wrote, “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them”; you cannot change the people you have to work with or the meager reward and recognition that you are often bestowed with, but you can definitely try to find and acknowledge the little daily joys and be grateful that the power to succeed still lives and breathes within you.

Featured image courtesy of Andrea Piacquadio

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4 years ago

I agree with this approach 100%. Your mindset has a tremendous impact on how you thrive at your place of employment. If you are moving from one job to the next that you hate the you may need to reassess your outlook.