The Value of Volunteering

The Value of Volunteering

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2 minutes read!

Most unemployed individuals who are, oftentimes, in desperate financial situations would shun the idea of working without any financial compensation. What sense is there in getting up, getting dressed and going to a ‘job’ that doesn’t pay? …….Right? By doing so, ignorantly overlooking the remarkable skills, knowledge, and experience they stand to attain from volunteering for a cause they are passionate about. Volunteering activities range from working with national parks, animal shelters, homeless shelters, food kitchens, museums, retirement or nursing homes, climate or environmental awareness bodies, libraries, and international bodies such as the Red Cross.

Opportunities that can be borne from volunteering:

1.      Gaining desired work experience and skills

The first thing that one needs to prove to a Hiring manager is the fact he or she has been previously engaged in activities for a duration of, at least, three (3) months from which he or she has gained valuable work experience. Additionally, one will also need to prove to said Hiring Manager that he or she is in possession of the requisite skills and knowledge that are needed to perform the job that is on offer. Volunteering allows individuals to not only work for a cause they love or admire but also to gain experience in working with others to fulfill the objectives of an organization or group, oftentimes within a corporate setting, while gaining skills that were once foreign.

2.      Establish or gain new contacts

Volunteering for any cause allows persons to meet and interact with people from varying backgrounds. As such, there lies the possibility that, through volunteering, one might be able to meet and form relationships with others who are able to assist them in attaining a job at an entity to which they are aligned or have contacts within. Additionally, volunteering provides one with the opportunity to put his or her skills and talents on display. If one is thinking about starting a new business impressing others with said skills and talents will definitely come into play when one officially launches a business, as most business owners often cite their success on good reviews from former clients.

3.      Unrivaled recognition

The satisfaction of giving oneself freely to a cause that is able to promote positive changes globally provides one with the possibility of becoming eligible for a plethora of international grants, travel opportunities, workshops, fellowships, and speaking engagements.

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5 years ago

Love your article. Great read.

4 years ago

It’s always important to volunteer in the field that you are pursuing because like you said, it provides you with the requisite skills that you need and sets you apart from a myriad of other candidates who might be going up for the same position. Also, let’s not underestimate the power of gaining well-needed connections, that may help to land you in the job of a lifetime.

4 years ago

No matter what the situation, we can always use it as a learning experience.


[…] Volunteer and participate in uplifting social events. This will assist you in forming relationships with a myriad of individuals     […]


[…] we should take the time to develop our talents, invest heavily in ourselves, get involved in volunteering opportunities, and widen our horizons. This will ensure that whenever we decide to embark upon our careers, we […]