making UNEMPLOYMENT work for you

Making Unemployment work for you

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2 mins. read

It is seemingly ridiculous to believe that one can ever gain any meaningful benefits while being unemployed. However, one with a ‘cup half- full’ outlook is able to find opportunities in any situation, even where unemployment is concerned. With unemployment comes an absurd amount of ‘free time’ wherein one can choose to be led down a path of depression and hopelessness or fill each waking minute with productive actions.

Below lies a few pointers detailing unacceptable and acceptable actions or behaviors;

Spend time updating and refining your resume and cover letters whenever boredom strikes. This will certainly help you in your quest to become more attractive to recruiters on paper

Burning time by airing your unemployment woes on  social media

Seek to engage in conversations with individuals and, or visit social media pages and blogs that offer meaningful advice and insights on how to become more marketable

Spending a lot of time with friends who are prolific braggers about everything great in their lives

Engage in physical activities, for example, jogging or assisting someone in need. This will provide you with worthwhile clarity and reboot your job- hunting capabilities

Binge-watching movies on Netflix and Hulu in your unmade bed

Volunteer and participate in uplifting social events. This will assist you in forming relationships with a myriad of individuals    

   Spend a vast amount of time with individuals who are not able to assist you in attaining a job

Embark upon free online courses and, or learning a new skill, for example, how to use Quickbooks. This will certainly go a long way in assisting you in standing out among other candidates vying for similar jobs

Pour all your energies into blaming your career counselor or your degree choice for your inability to land a job

Start a viable business focused on a longstanding passion       

 Focus all your efforts on working for a company that may not allow you to reach your full potential.

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4 years ago

Such remarkable advise. It is always important to act today, instead of waiting thinking that tomorrow will afford you better opportunities. Pursue your passion and beat the odds. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.