The coronavirus has robbed many of their livelihoods, drastically shortened needed ‘billable hours’, and effectively reduced rates of productivity in most economic sectors. It is therefore important that we develop ways to adapt to, and ultimately build- up immunity against the growing disruptions within the job market. Here are some salient strategies to utilize while …
JAMILA BANNISTER| Contributor Transitioning from employee to entrepreneur can be rough. It’s even rougher when this transition happens suddenly like after being laid off, retrenched, or “resorting” to it because of a difficult and dry job market. Moving from working on specific tasks in a conventional job to being responsible for an entire operation could …
2 minutes read! There is no ‘realer’ struggle than scrolling through hundreds of posted jobs frustratingly trying to find yet another job opening to direct your worn out resume to after a series of ‘we regret to inform you’ crushing letters. Here are some learned strategies on how to tip the scale in your favor: …
2 minutes read! Negative and putrid rhetoric from persons with whom you associate, especially family members, can have a deliberating impact on an individual struggling hopelessly to gain employment. ……. “You are not trying hard enough to get a job!” ………………. “You’re the only one without a job, how much lazier can you get?” Persons …
2 minutes read! Many of us have had our lives mapped out since middle school. We knew exactly where we wanted to go to college, what professions we would occupy, the millions of dollars we would have by forty, the names of the two kids we would have with our cute crush, and the series …