Sir. Robert Loftman, Your Guide Through Unemployment’s #youthBOSS Ambassador is a true embodiment of the rich rewards of success after having directed numerous years towards backbreaking work and the strategic manipulation of innate talents. He has defied all societal spawned odds in pursuit of a dream to create a world where others, especially youths, could thrive and …
2 minutes read! Have you ever wondered what separates a Mark Zuckerberg or a Kim Kardashian from the rest of us? What insights and ‘smarts’ do they have that we don’t? The answer is simple, they had an ingenious idea (… Kim’s case, a video) and defied the odds to make their dreams a reality. …
2 mins. read From the moment we had the ability to mutter our names, we were prompted to state who we were. For many, the response came easily, but for others, it took a myriad of experiences, failed attempts at life, and unrealized dreams to muster up the courage to announce their presence; who they …
Mr. Kurt- van Morgan, #youthBOSS Ambassador, is a seasoned and dedicated educator enthralled with the symbiotic relationship between education and self- actualization. Over the course of his eight years tenure as an adept educator within Jamaica’s secondary school system, he became impelled by the need to, as he posits, “help as many students reach their …
JAMILA BANNISTER| Contributor Transitioning from employee to entrepreneur can be rough. It’s even rougher when this transition happens suddenly like after being laid off, retrenched, or “resorting” to it because of a difficult and dry job market. Moving from working on specific tasks in a conventional job to being responsible for an entire operation could …
2 minutes read! Imagine being tossed head-first in the middle of an ocean without being first groomed on how to properly combat its raging currents and tides; this is how it normally feels during the first, and even second month working in a new job. However, you were fully convinced that your four years of …
2 minutes read! Negative and putrid rhetoric from persons with whom you associate, especially family members, can have a deliberating impact on an individual struggling hopelessly to gain employment. ……. “You are not trying hard enough to get a job!” ………………. “You’re the only one without a job, how much lazier can you get?” Persons …
2 minutes read! Truth be told it’s a far cry from the job that you had envisioned, but it serves as a well-deserved furlough from watching re- runs in a musky tear stained bed that reeked of downtrodden self- esteem and unrelenting self-pity. By your sixth month, you have a well- established routine which involves; …
2 minutes read! Many of us have had our lives mapped out since middle school. We knew exactly where we wanted to go to college, what professions we would occupy, the millions of dollars we would have by forty, the names of the two kids we would have with our cute crush, and the series …