Tag Archives: #coronavirus


Job Hunting During COVID-19

The coronavirus has robbed many of their livelihoods, drastically shortened needed ‘billable hours’, and effectively reduced rates of productivity in most economic sectors. It is therefore important that we develop ways to adapt to, and ultimately build- up immunity against the growing disruptions within the job market. Here are some salient strategies to utilize while …

2021 Essay Competition Maths Simplified

MATHS Simplified's Essay Competition 2020

APPLY NOW| DEADLINE: AUGUST 25, 2021 MATHS Simplified is a highly enriching academic online channel strategically designed to advance primary/ middle and secondary school learners’ understanding of a myriad of mathematical principles and concepts. Additionally, MATHS Simplified currently offers FREE virtual ‘one-on-one’ math tutoring sessions to students aged 7- 17 years. MATHS Simplified recently issued …

Your BIG moment!

Your BIG Moment

SAUDICKA DIARAM| Contributor “I believe luck is preparation meeting opportunity. If you hadn’t been prepared when the opportunity came along, you wouldn’t have been lucky.” Oprah Winfrey It is a place that most persons have been before, some have managed to use the experience to prepare themselves for the peak of their lives. Others have …