Your Guide Through Unemployment

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2 minutes read!

There is no ‘realer’ struggle than scrolling through hundreds of posted jobs frustratingly trying to find yet another job opening to direct your worn out resume to after a series of ‘we regret to inform you’ crushing letters.

Here are some learned strategies on how to tip the scale in your favor:

Firstly, your resume should be well formulated and displaying your hard-earned accomplishments, error-free, and regularly adjusted to suit each job posting that you seek to select.

It will prove quite futile to make applications out to positions for which you do not possess the required academic background and extensive years of professional experience required.

Spend time utilizing your commendable researching skills (as stated within your overly- exaggerated resume) to uncover salient information about the organization/ industry to which you are applying so that you can make reference to said within your cover letter, and later on, during your interview.

Be bold enough to be a step ahead of hundreds of other applicants by tapping into your charm and requesting brief meetings with hiring managers so that you can establish your desirability as a prospective employee.

Utilize your social media profiles to showcase the professional and cultured image that you desire to present to recruiters.

Build and maintain relationships with practitioners within your chosen field/ discipline, so that you’ll be afforded the, highly sought after, ‘pull of that figurative string’ when a job opening becomes available.

                                                     DON’T BE LATE FOR YOUR INTERVIEW!

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Ruth L Porter
Ruth L Porter
6 years ago

Interesting read

Ruth L Porter
Ruth L Porter
6 years ago

Interesting read!

Carlton Reid
Carlton Reid
6 years ago

I definitely can relate to this. I can’t express how many times that I’ve been on major job recruiting sites and can’t find a job to meet my qualifications. By taking the steps you mentioned in your article, I’m positive that I’m bound to land a job.

Thank you!

Taneisha Shand
Taneisha Shand
6 years ago

Point 5 is definitely a sound advice. If we want someone to see our true character, then we ought to let our light shine both in private and especially in public where the world is watching.

Adam byssainthe
Adam byssainthe
6 years ago

I love this article because I can go to it if I’m having trouble finding a job. At sometime people have trouble making resumes or have troble when they get inside the interview; this artical really helps. I really needed this article because this summer I’m trying to get a job and this article will help me me get the job easily.

6 years ago

It talks about how you can get a good job and tells you step by step what to do

6 years ago

This article talks about how to get a good job, have a good relationship, and be bold enough to make hundreds of applications. First thing it takes about is having a good resume so they can see your hard work and see what you’ve been doing. When you build relationships with other people on your same field they will help you

Janelle Calvet
Janelle Calvet
6 years ago

This article was very helpful for me and gave plenty of tips in a future job. From this article it gave me to have confidence in myself and to be bold in getting a job in the future.

Kayla Passos
Kayla Passos
6 years ago

Very helpful!

5 years ago

I can definitely attest to the second point, it truly works. Why limit ourselves, we are wise beyond our years, we might not have the requisite skills for a particular job in our resume, but our abilities to supersede expectations are real. We have the innate ability to learn, grow, and develop. So, as long as we embark upon a new job with a mindset to be successful, the greatness within us will be unleashed.
Keep putting positive message out there, the universe recognizes.

5 years ago

Very informative pointers Ms Shand, only one tiny detail you forgot to mention: that would be number 7, you need to have someone on the panel who can : pull a string’ for you.

5 years ago

Love it. Developing relationships is key to unlocking doors.

5 years ago

Tell me about it. Trying to score the ideal job is tedious work.

5 years ago

Stepping out and claiming my worth.