Bitchy Boss

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2 minutes read!

We have all had bosses who have prompted us to dedicate numerous non- billable and, yes, billable hours binge-watching ‘How to get away with murder’ to gain pointers. If you’re one of the lucky few who never had such an experience, there is a 10: 10 chance that you will over the course of your professional journey. These bosses range from being disrespectful slave- drivers to overly insecure and paranoid schmucks. However, despite our unwillingness to accept that they attained their position on merit and not through nepotism or some other sinister means it is important to acknowledge the reality that there is a lot of great benefits that can be gained via said bosses namely;

a. Working with a maniac who has no tolerance for human errors and failures will, over time, encourage an improvement in the quality and accuracy of the work that you produce. This will serve to strengthen your overall effectiveness in your present and future professional capacity.

b. The attainment of a ‘thick skin’ is no easy feat, however, having a boss who constantly hammers at your ego and self- worth 24/7 is enough to furnish you with a skin comparable to the trunk of a Montezuma Cypress and vastly improve your level of maturity and your ability to withstand nasty criticisms.

c. Your ability to work with others from varying backgrounds and different locales on the personality spectrum will be perfected.

d. Oftentimes, terrible bosses are not entirely the ‘empty vessels’ that we make them out to be, and given their level of seniority and experience you stand to gain a few invaluable skills and ‘trade secrets’ that will certainly propel your career in a positive direction.

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Carlton Reid
Carlton Reid
6 years ago

Every opportunity should be taken as a learning opportunity. Sometimes these same bosses will drive us to supercede our own perceived potentials.

Taneisha Shand
Taneisha Shand
6 years ago

Everything in life we do is a learning experience. Whether its an interaction with a boss or a co-worker, we can use those experiences to grow and be better.

5 years ago

In life, we are going to be meted out many less than bearable experiences, but what will separate the strong from the weak is the ways in which we respond to these injustices. We can choose to lay low and perish, or we can choose to stand up and live, meaning, we can use this opportunity to develop ourselves, take it as a learning experience and grow from it.

Real talk.

5 years ago

In times such as these, I am happy for a global economy where I can weigh my options and wave good bye if I think I am not appreciated for the level of hard work that I put into my job. My sanity and self worth is too important to me to be trampled on. Without a shawdow of a doubt, the most important association in life is our association with each other and if I can’t treat someone the way I would like to be treated then I have failed as a human being. Persons who are ‘blessed’ to… Read more »

5 years ago

I think most people can relate to this. But irrespective of how dismal a job situation is we should strive to make the best of it. #gratitudeisamust


[…] with their place of employment as a result of; feeling woefully unappreciated, autocratic and abusive superiors, nepotism fuelled promotions and ‘job perks’, toxic and unprofessional co-workers, an inability […]

5 years ago

[…] Employ the use of ‘attention-grabbing’ headlines/ titles, for example, ‘Bitchy Boss’. […]

Shantae Gray
Shantae Gray
5 years ago

Well said. Instead of seeing the glass half empty. See it as full and take your struggles and learn from them. I am becoming the Montezuma Cypress trunk.